PRP Ovarian Rejuvenation

Increase the chances of having a baby using your own eggs by improving your ovarian reserve and the quality of your oocytes.

Find out if you’re a candidate

What is Ovagen?

Ovarian regeneration is the use of nutrients, proteins, and growth factors that help to improve the ovarian microenvironment, response to stimulation, and egg quality, achieving more eggs and embryos available in patients who still have sufficient ovarian mass; that is, the size of their ovaries allows it.

Are you looking for an alternative to egg donation? Your age doesn’t have to be an obstacle! Ovarian regeneration offers a safe and effective option to increase the chances of conceiving a baby with your own eggs.

With Regen IVF, Egg Donation Isn’t Your Only Option

When the quality and quantity of eggs are not optimal, egg donation provides the opportunity for any woman who wishes to become a mother. However, this is not the only path. Ovarian regeneration is a safe and effective option that improves the quality and quantity of eggs to increase the chances of having a baby with your own cells.

Understanding your ovarian reserve:

The ovarian reserve reflects the number of eggs available in your ovaries, essential for your reproductive capacity. From birth with approximately 1 million eggs, this number decreases over time. At the peak of fertility, between 20 and 30 years old, only about 400 eggs are available. This number decreases further with age until it is completely exhausted at menopause, affecting both the quantity and quality of the eggs available for conception.

Ovarian regeneration emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a different path than egg donation. This innovative treatment is designed to rejuvenate your ovarian reserve, improving both the quality and quantity of your oocytes, thus opening new possibilities for you to achieve your dream of motherhood with your own cells.

How does Ovagen work?

Our research team is dedicated to innovation and teaching in reproductive sciences, developing cutting-edge technology and new ways to increase success rates for achieving a baby in the shortest possible time; such as Ovagen, this in partnership with prominent researchers from Cinvestav-IPN.

Increase your chances of achieving pregnancy using your own eggs with Ovagen. Come to us to discover all the options available to make your dream of holding your baby in your arms a reality.

Who can benefit from Ovagen?

Ovagen is perfect for those who are considering or are already undergoing fertility treatments and identify with any of these situations:

Those wishing to conceive a baby using their own eggs.

Those looking for alternatives to using donated eggs.

Women who face difficulties conceiving due to their age.

Individuals who have had to interrupt IVF treatments due to inadequate response.

Women under 40 years of age who show a reduced ovarian response.

Women over 40 years of age who still have their menstrual period.

Is right ovarian regeneration for you?

Schedule an appointment with us to evaluate if you are a candidate for this treatment, and increase your chances of having a baby using your own eggs.

successful case
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Internationally Recognized Success

With Ovagen, just in the last year, we have helped more than 200 people looking to have a baby with their own eggs, thanks to ovarian regeneration. A technique in which we are experts and pioneers in Latin America.

Dra. Dinorah Melchor
Investigadora Instituto Regenera

*Results shown by Ingenes patients in Mexico.